
The family of a 6-year-old boy is filing a $4 Million Lawsuit against neighbors.

News3 years ago5 Views

The family of a 6-year-old has filed a lawsuit against their neighbors. Their son was shot in the neighbors’ yard.

In June, Coby Daniel was hit in the arm while attempting to get his bicycle from outside the home of Ryan Le-Nguyen, his neighbor. Le-Nguyen opened fire on the child after running after him with a sledgehammer.


Coby Daniel’s father, Arnold, is filing for at least $4 million in damages from his neighbor. Court documents obtained stated that his son is having a difficult time bouncing back from the incident. Coby’s family is also expecting the medical bills to be costly. He also reported that his son is  experiencing physical and emotional trauma from the shooting and will likely need psychiatric and psychological counseling.

Another statement from Coby’s father alleges that the neighbor, Le-Nguyen,  displayed “aggressive behavior” towards a number of kids before the incident. Le-Nguyen was mad that Coby and his friend, because they left their bikes on the sidewalk in front of the house.


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