
Guinness World Records Announces First Song to Hit One Billion Spotify Streams

Entertainment4 days ago21 Views

Guinness World Records (GWR) has officially recognized the first song to surpass one billion streams on Spotify.

In a recent post on X (formerly Twitter), GWR revealed that “One Dance” by Drake, featuring Wizkid and Kyla, released in 2016, has become the first song to surpass one billion streams on Spotify.

The tweet reads: “The first song to reach one billion streams on Spotify was ‘One Dance’ by Drake, Wizkid, and Kyla.”View the tweet here.

“One Dance” was a groundbreaking success upon release, shattering numerous records and solidifying its status in music history. 

A chart-topping sensation, the track’s popularity and influence have left an enduring mark on the industry, reaffirming its place as one of the defining hits of the streaming era.

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