
Listen To Childish Gambino’s New Album ‘Atavista’

MusicNews7 months ago9 Views

Childish Gambino releases a new “finished version” of his album “3.15.20,” under the new title “Atavista.” The original album was released in 2020, on his website before being taking down and adding it to streaming services about a week later.

Here is Childish Gambino’s Statement about “Atavista”

“ATAVISTA is streaming now.

this album is the finished version of “3.15.20”, the album i put out 4 years ago. there’s a special vinyl coming soon w/ visuals for each song.

the all new childish gambino album comes out in the summer.


little foot, big foot video:

“Atavista” is out now, and available across streaming platforms. Listen below.

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